You get a fender bender, you have a bad day at the office, you get in an argument with a friend or a loved one. These are simple trials compared to the news that you have cancer, your child dies, you lose your job after 20 years or your spouse dies suddenly. If you have not experienced a catastrophic trial, you probably will sometime in your life, and this book can help. Roger Colby's son Conner was born at 24 weeks gestation and spent 3 1/2 months in the neonatal intensive care unit. This book is the story of how he overcame that catastrophic trial, and it has seven steps to helping you...
You get a fender bender, you have a bad day at the office, you get in an argument with a friend or a loved one. These are simple trials compared to th...
In our lives there is always one event that we wish we could change, to travel back and make a step to the left rather than to the right. Michael Prosper is one such individual who finds himself trapped in his own small town, his mind clouded with amnesia, a vague mist that slowly clears to reveal a waking nightmare of a life gone wrong. It is the story of teenage Danny who also suffers from memory loss, but as the mystery unravels they both discover connections with each other and with the strangeness of the town that ultimately leads them on a journey within, and when the truth about them...
In our lives there is always one event that we wish we could change, to travel back and make a step to the left rather than to the right. Michael Pros...