The post-modern conviction that meaning is indeterminate and self is an illusion, though fascinating and defensible in theory, leaves a number of scholarly and pedagogical questions unsatisfied. Authoring the phenomenological act or felt sense of creating a text is a remarkably black box, say Haswell and Haswell, yet it should be one of the central preoccupations of scholars in English studies. Not only can the study of authoring accommodate the social turn since post-modernism, they argue, but it accommodates as well conceptions of, and the lived experience of, personal potentiality and...
The post-modern conviction that meaning is indeterminate and self is an illusion, though fascinating and defensible in theory, leaves a number of scho...
"Hospitality and Authoring," a sequel to the Haswells 2010 volume "Authoring," attempts to open the path for hospitality practice in the classroom, making a strong argument for educational use and offering an initial map of the territory for teachers and authors. Hospitality is a social and ethical relationship not only between host and guest but also between writer and reader or teacher and student. Hospitality initiates, maintains, and completes acts of authoring. This extended essay explores the ways that a true hospitable classroom community can be transformed through assigned...
"Hospitality and Authoring," a sequel to the Haswells 2010 volume "Authoring," attempts to open the path for hospitality practice in the classroom,...