Rendezvous with America The Unexpected Story.... In the political battlefield of 2008 where politicians were hiding under their desks and making sorry excuses for their overspending and irresponsible leadership, Sarah Palin took America by storm. Chronicling Governor Palin's life, Mark Nusbaum reveals the "real" Sarah Palin amidst the political turmoil unfolding around her. He describes in detail why her passion for individual liberty, limited government, and fiscal prudence is capturing American hearts and minds. To Democrats, "She is an existential threat" - Dick Morris To "business as...
Rendezvous with America The Unexpected Story.... In the political battlefield of 2008 where politicians were hiding under their desks and making sorry...
Rendezvous with America The Unexpected Story.... In the political battlefield of 2008 where politicians were hiding under their desks and making sorry excuses for their overspending and irresponsible leadership, Sarah Palin took America by storm. Chronicling Governor Palin's life, Mark Nusbaum reveals the real Sarah Palin amidst the political turmoil unfolding around her. He describes in detail why her passion for individual liberty, limited government, and fiscal prudence is capturing American hearts and minds. To Democrats, She is an existential threat - Dick Morris To business as usual...
Rendezvous with America The Unexpected Story.... In the political battlefield of 2008 where politicians were hiding under their desks and making sorry...