Tim and Shawnee McGregor were just a newlywed couple with big dreams and a secure future until.... ' ERWACHE International was a widely respected innovator in the field of 21 st Century solutions to global energy problems until.... Lovingston, Virginia, a town rejuvenated by ERWACHE"s investments, was a model of a successful company town until... Dr. Josef M. Krause and his wife, the ageless Ingrid, enjoyed their lives as the rich and powerful owners of ERWACHE until.... Pastor and Mrs. Donald Trumbel would probably have never been called to the Tye River Church unless.... Those grand ERWACHE...
Tim and Shawnee McGregor were just a newlywed couple with big dreams and a secure future until.... ' ERWACHE International was a widely respected inno...
There are probably not two more polar opposite genres than rap music and drag racing. The author is by no means an authority on either. By 2012, it was apparent that the United States was facing many problems. The laundry list included: jihadists, unemployment, health care woes, unconstitutional and unchallenged moves by government officials, ... the list seems endless. Yet at the core of the nation's ills was the over arching issue of right and wrong. How is it defined? And who defines it ? Into this maelstrom of chaos, the characters herein find themselves cast. Nearly 50 years after the...
There are probably not two more polar opposite genres than rap music and drag racing. The author is by no means an authority on either. By 2012, it...