Die vorliegende Studie untersucht den historischen Entwicklungsprozess homoopathischer Therapieformen bis zum Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Behandlung mit Doppel- bzw. Komplexmitteln. Bereits zu Lebzeiten Hahnemanns, der selbst mit Doppelmitteln experimentierte, fuhrte ihre Zulassigkeit zu heftigen Kontroversen. Unterschiedliche Richtungen in der Homoopathie, Spagyrik, Naturheilkunde und Schulmedizin setzten sich fur homoopathische Arzneimitteltherapien ein und forderten die Weiterentwicklung medizinischer Heilkonzepte, denen ein ganzheitliches Denken" zugrundelag....
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht den historischen Entwicklungsprozess homoopathischer Therapieformen bis zum Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Im Mitt...
Bettina Blessing's study follows the progress of homoeopathic therapies up to World War II. It focuses mainly on the development of double and complex remedies which were highly controversial even at the times of Hahnemann, who also experimented with double remedies. Various orientations of homoeopathy, spagyric, naturopathy and conventional medicine advocated homoeopathic remedies and supported medical concepts that were based on holistic' views. One of the proponents of alternative healing methods was the renowned Berlin surgeon August Bier (1861-1949). For him, homoeopathy was one of...
Bettina Blessing's study follows the progress of homoeopathic therapies up to World War II. It focuses mainly on the development of double and complex...
Bettina Blessing's study follows the progress of homoeopathic therapies up to World War II. It focuses mainly on the development of double and complex remedies which were highly controversial even at the times of Hahnemann, who also experimented with double remedies. Various orientations of homoeopathy, spagyric, naturopathy and conventional medicine advocated homoeopathic remedies and supported medical concepts that were based on holistic' views. One of the proponents of alternative healing methods was the renowned Berlin surgeon August Bier (1861-1949). For him, homoeopathy was one of...
Bettina Blessing's study follows the progress of homoeopathic therapies up to World War II. It focuses mainly on the development of double and complex...