Koreans are one of the fastest-growing visible minority groups in Canada today. However, very few studies of their experiences in Canada or their paths of integration are available to public and academic communities. Korean Immigrants in Canada provides the first scholarly collection of papers on Korean immigrants and their offspring from interdisciplinary, social scientific perspectives.
The contributors explore the historical, psychological, social, and economic dimensions of Korean migration, settlement, and integration across the country. A variety of important topics...
Koreans are one of the fastest-growing visible minority groups in Canada today. However, very few studies of their experiences in Canada or their p...
Koreans are one of the fastest-growing visible minority groups in Canada today. However, very few studies of their experiences in Canada or their paths of integration are available to public and academic communities. Korean Immigrants in Canada provides the first scholarly collection of papers on Korean immigrants and their offspring from interdisciplinary, social scientific perspectives.
The contributors explore the historical, psychological, social, and economic dimensions of Korean migration, settlement, and integration across the country. A variety of important topics...
Koreans are one of the fastest-growing visible minority groups in Canada today. However, very few studies of their experiences in Canada or their p...
Au Pair 101 is a firsthand guide to everything you need to know about being an Au Pair. This book will cover all the basics to help you get started as an Au Pair. Au Pair 101 cover topics like: - Definition of an Au Pair - Getting started on the job search - Standard provisions to look for in the Au Pair job - Helpful tips on how to deal with toddlers - A look at character traits host families might seek from an Au Pair - What to expect from children of different age groups - Challenges of being an Au Pair - Perks of being an Au Pair This book will walk you through the process of becoming an...
Au Pair 101 is a firsthand guide to everything you need to know about being an Au Pair. This book will cover all the basics to help you get started as...