Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and their encounters with the local undead. The book is beautifully illustrated by Tea Seroya.
Suitable for ages 8 and up.
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog J...
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and their encounters with the local undead. The book is beautifully illustrated by Tea Seroya.
Suitable for ages 8 and up.
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Ja...
Mendapat inspirasi dari karya-karya Roald Dahl dan Stephen King, David Downie menulis sebuah cerita seram tentang pengembaraan David dan anjingnya Jacko dan pertembungan mereka dengan zombi. Cerita ini telah digambarkan dengan ilustrasi cantik oleh Tea Seroya
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and their encounters with the local undead. The book is beautifully illustrated by Tea Seroya.
Suitable for ages 8 and up.
Mendapat inspirasi dari karya-karya Roald Dahl dan Stephen King, David Downie menulis sebuah cerita seram tentang pengembaraan...
Roald Dahl es Stephen King altal ihletve, David Downie hatborzongato meseje David es kutyajanak, Jackonak kalandjairol, illetve talalkozasukrol egy helyi elohalottal. A torteneteket Tea Seroya gyonyoru illusztracioi kiserik.
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and their encounters with the local undead. The book is beautifully illustrated by Tea Seroya.
Suitable for ages 8 and up."
Roald Dahl es Stephen King altal ihletve, David Downie hatborzongato meseje David es kutyajanak, Jackonak kalandjairol, illetv...
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and their encounters with the local undead. The book is beautifully illustrated by Tea Seroya.
Suitable for ages 8 and up.
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog J...
Inspired by Roald Dahl and the Twits, David Downie writes a thrilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and their encounters with the grotesque Mr Sniggles and his deadly pet snake. The stories are beautifully illustrated by Tea Seroya.
Inspired by Roald Dahl and the Twits, David Downie writes a thrilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and thei...
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and their encounters with the local undead. The book is beautifully illustrated by Tea Seroya.
Suitable for ages 8 and up.
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko...
Inspirisan Roald Dalom i Stiven Kingom, Dejvid Dauni pise pricu od koje zmarci prolaze kroz kicmu o avanturama Dejvida i njegovog psa Dzeka i njihovim susretima sa lokalnim zombijem. Price je prelepo ilustrovala Tea Seroja.
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and their encounters with the local undead. The book is beautifully illustrated by Tea Seroya.
Suitable for ages 8 and up.
Inspirisan Roald Dalom i Stiven Kingom, Dejvid Dauni pise pricu od koje zmarci prolaze kroz kicmu o avanturama Dejvida i njego...
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and his dog Jacko and their encounters with the local undead. The book is beautifully illustrated by Tea Seroya.
Suitable for ages 8 and up.
Inspired by Roald Dahl and Stephen King, David Downie writes a spine chilling tale of the adventures of David and h...