The Refractive Thinker(r) celebrates the accomplishments of the doctoral scholars contained within the pages of their award winning Volume IV: Ethics, Leadership, and Globalization. The intent is to provide a forum for these authors to share their thoughts and expertise as they contribute to our expanse of knowledge in pursuits of the tenets of and philosophies of higher learning. The title of this series, The Refractive Thinker(r) was chosen intentionally to describe a new way of thinking. As a society, we often find ourselves between the dichotomies of either thinking within the box...
The Refractive Thinker(r) celebrates the accomplishments of the doctoral scholars contained within the pages of their award winning Volume IV: Ethics,...
The Benefits of Collaborative Doctoral Research Celebrate the diffusion of innovative refractive thinking through the writings of these doctoral scholars as they dare to think differently in search of new applications and understandings of post-secondary education. Dr. Elena Murphy presents the case for educators to use learning styles in the classroom for adult student success. Dr. Judy Fisher-Blando and Dr. Denise Land offer expertise about regarding the use of passion, differentiated learning, and management behavior to encourage the engaged learner. Dr. Rene H. Contreras demonstrates how...
The Benefits of Collaborative Doctoral Research Celebrate the diffusion of innovative refractive thinking through the writings of these doctoral schol...