This critically acclaimed, award-winning middle grade debut follows the story of the three Green children who are cared for by a nanny pig. Yes, a pig. A fabulously sassy and impeccably dressed pig as a matter of fact With her insatiable urge to eat chocolate (and feed chocolate to everyone she loves), her high-flying spirit, and her unending sense of fun, Nanny Piggins takes Derrick, Samantha, and Michael on a year of surprises, yummy treats, and adventures they'll never forget. It's no surprise that Booklist proclaimed, "Mary Poppins, move over--or get shoved out of the way." Nanny...
This critically acclaimed, award-winning middle grade debut follows the story of the three Green children who are cared for by a nanny pig. Yes, a pig...
You should never cross a flying pig...When Mr. Green decides to get married, his children are horrified. If he carries out his diabolical plan, he'll fire their beloved nanny. Breakfast without chocolate? Never Their father must be stopped, and Nanny Piggins, a former circus pig and a champion pit baker, is just the pig to do it R.A. Spratt's delightful follow-up to her award-winning debut is chock-full of thrilling adventures for the feisty Nanny Piggins, her ballet-dancing bear brother, and the Green children. Dan Santat is back with illustrations that capture...
You should never cross a flying pig...When Mr. Green decides to get married, his children are horrified. If he carries out his diabol...
"A must-have series for middle-grade readers." --Booklist
Friday Barnes, girl detective, is... under arrest?
Getting arrested was the last thing Friday expected after solving the swamp-yeti mystery at her boarding school. But she better clear her name fast She's got new cases to investigate, like a scandalous quiche bake-off, a decades old mystery buried in her school's backyard, and why the new boy, Christopher, is being so nice to her.
More adventures and intrigue ensue in Under Suspicion: A Friday Barnes Mystery, the second book in the...
"A must-have series for middle-grade readers." --Booklist
Friday Barnes, girl detective, is... under arrest?