This textbook contains details of recent developments relating to construction and the environment, including: engineered disposal of wastes; treatment of contaminated and derelict land; sustainable construction and infrastructure; and supporting the natural environment.
This textbook contains details of recent developments relating to construction and the environment, including: engineered disposal of wastes; treatmen...
Deponieabdichtungssysteme sollen ihre Funktionsfahigkeit uber einen weitaus langeren Zeitraum als konventionelle Bauwerke erhalten. Bei Basisabdichtungen kommt erschwerend hinzu, dass sie praktisch nicht zu reparieren sind, keiner Wartung unterzogen werden konnen und Schadensfalle, d. h. Grundwasserkontaminationen erst mit grosser zeitlicher Verzogerung registriert werden konnen. Daher ist die Optimierung von Deponieabdichtungen besonders im Hinblick auf das Langzeitverhalten der zum Einsatz kommenden Baumaterialien von grossem Interesse. Neueste Erkenntnisse erlauben einen aktuellen Einblick...
Deponieabdichtungssysteme sollen ihre Funktionsfahigkeit uber einen weitaus langeren Zeitraum als konventionelle Bauwerke erhalten. Bei Basisabdichtun...
This is the first volume of the five-volume book series Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management, dealing with the following topics: types and management of environmental deterioration, particularly pollution; environmental toxicology as a versatile tool in monitoring and risk management; risk assessment of chemical substances and contaminated land; risk reduction measures, focusing on bio- and ecotechnologies; case studies demonstrating the interaction between regulation, management and engineering and the individual application of engineering tools.
This is the first volume of the five-volume book series Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management, dealing with the following topics:
Chemical substances, physical agents and built structures exhibit various types of hazard due to their inherent toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, reprotoxic and sensitizing character or damaging to the immune and hormone system. The first steps in managing an environment contaminated by chemical substances are characterization of hazards and quantification of their risks. Chemical models using only analytical data are still the most widely used applications for assessing potential adverse effects and the fate and behavior of chemicals in the environment. Chemical models rely on the...
Chemical substances, physical agents and built structures exhibit various types of hazard due to their inherent toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic, rep...
This is the third volume of the five-volume book series Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management . The book series deals with the following topics:
Environmental deterioration and pollution, management of environmental problems Environmental toxicology a tool for managing chemical substances and contaminated environment Assessment and monitoring tools, risk assessment Risk reduction measures and technologies Case studies for demonstration of the application of engineering tools
The authors aim to describe interactions and options in risk...
This is the third volume of the five-volume book series Engineering Tools for Environmental Risk Management . The book series deals with the follow...