LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) is a proven-safe (by the FDA in 50mg doses ) off-label prescription drug which has gained a great deal of attention over the past few months due to its remarkable disease modifying effects of controlling and reversing symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. Lexie is one person who has experienced a reversal of most of her Parkinsons Disease symptoms over the past 5 years. She was officially diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in 2008 (although her non-motor symptoms began 20 years earlier). In this question and answer format with Robert Rodgers, PhD, from Parkinsons Recovery,...
LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) is a proven-safe (by the FDA in 50mg doses ) off-label prescription drug which has gained a great deal of attention over the...
Lidia M. Epp is a molecular biologist who discovered that the symptoms of Parkinson's disease she began to experience were related to an overgrowth of candida in her body. Lidia explains how she drew this conclusion after conducting a systematic investigation of the research on Parkinson's and candida. Her symptoms resolved after getting a series of treatments for her candida. Robert Rodgers PhD from Parkinsons Recovery interviews Lidia Epp about her research discovery on the connection between candida and Parkinson's disease and her subsequent return to health and wellness. This interview...
Lidia M. Epp is a molecular biologist who discovered that the symptoms of Parkinson's disease she began to experience were related to an overgrowth of...
Stress is a primary instigator of symptoms associated with Parkinson's Disease. A practical and powerful way to reduce stress is to become more mindful which, simply put, means we are present in the moment rather than agonizing over the past or anticipating the future. The Parkinsons Recovery Mindfulness Series is designed by Robert Rodgers PhD from Parkinsons Recovery to help persons diagnosed with Parkinson's disease reduce their stress levels by adopting a mindfulness practice. Once stress levels are well under control, symptoms of Parkinson's will have enormous difficulty presenting...
Stress is a primary instigator of symptoms associated with Parkinson's Disease. A practical and powerful way to reduce stress is to become more mindfu...