Advances: M. Coleman and J.D. Pickard: Detecting residual cognitive function in disorders of consciousness. N. Torres, S. Chabardes, and A.L. Benabid: Rationale for hypothalamus-deep brain stimulation in food intake disorders and obesity. A.J. Oliveira-Maia, C.D. Roberts, S.A. Simon, M.A.L. Nicolelis: Gustatory and reward brain circuits in the control of food intake. M. Guenot, J. Isnard, H. Catenoix, F. Mauguiere, M. Sindou: SEEG-guided RF-thermocoagulation of epileptic foci: A therapeutic alternative for drug-resistant non-operable partial epilepsies. B. Madea, N. Noeker, I. Franke: Child...
Advances: M. Coleman and J.D. Pickard: Detecting residual cognitive function in disorders of consciousness. N. Torres, S. Chabardes, and A.L. Benabid:...