The study of African language pedagogy and use in the Diaspora was initiated in the 1960s as African countries attained independence from colonial powers. In the continent, the enthusiasm for the use of indigenous languages and scholarship has remained relatively moderate as scholars are conflicted in their loyalty to imperial languages. The attitude towards the use of African languages by African leaders has also hampered scholars' efforts to create and sustain the needed visibility for African languages around the world. Needless to say, the study of African languages is not only critical...
The study of African language pedagogy and use in the Diaspora was initiated in the 1960s as African countries attained independence from colonial pow...
Continental Complexities: A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Africa is a practical introduction to African Studies. This collection provides contextualized information in order to educate, clarify, and illustrate the story of the continent. The topics have been deliberately chosen to highlight issues that are currently relevant to discourse on Africa. These topics are also commonly covered in Introduction to Africa courses. They include:
- geology and geomorphology - history - religion - social institutions - gender relations - literature, drama, theatre...
Continental Complexities: A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Africa is a practical introduction to African Studies. This collection provides c...
This book considers some of the substance and dissatisfaction of globalization on Africa. It illustrates globalization as a complex set of processes that involve shifting influence from local societies and countries in some areas while simultaneously endowing local societies and countries with influence in other areas.
This book considers some of the substance and dissatisfaction of globalization on Africa. It illustrates globalization as a complex set of processes t...