During the Civil War, Charlotte Rose Frazier, a young girl from an old Virginia family, escapes with her learning disabled brother from their centuries-old Tidewater Virginia home. An elderly abolitionist invites the two children to live with her. Charlotte rebuilds her life, eventually finding love and a stable home on the New Jersey shore. The years pass happily for Charlotte and she regains ownership of her family homestead, bequeathing it and her diary to her beloved grandson, Ken Lawe. Ken takes on the unknown, relocating back to Virginia to claim the deserted family homestead. It is...
During the Civil War, Charlotte Rose Frazier, a young girl from an old Virginia family, escapes with her learning disabled brother from their centurie...
Kansas City born and bred Harry Dean Burke is a renowned pilot in the 1920s during those early years of flying. He has refurbished an old Curtiss aircraft from World War I and gives flying lessons in his time off from work as an auto mechanic. Born to an upper class family, Harry Dean's marriage to beautiful and biracial Vivian Fitzwarren is frowned upon by his family. But Harry Dean and Vivian bond deeply and romantically, realizing that a person's color is only skin deep. When her beloved husband is killed in a plane accident, Vivian wonders how she can go on Without Harry Dean, the man she...
Kansas City born and bred Harry Dean Burke is a renowned pilot in the 1920s during those early years of flying. He has refurbished an old Curtiss airc...