"A top-notch thriller, one of the best of the genre" (Minneapolis Star Tribune) from international crime-writing sensation Camilla Lackberg tells the story of brutal murders in a small Swedish fishing village, and the shattering, decades-old secrets that precipitated them. In this electrifying tale of suspense from an international crime-writing sensation, a grisly death exposes the dark heart of a Scandinavian seaside village. Erica Falck returns to her tiny, remote hometown of Fjallbacka, Sweden, after her parents' deaths only to encounter another tragedy: the suicide of her...
"A top-notch thriller, one of the best of the genre" (Minneapolis Star Tribune) from international crime-writing sensation Camilla Lackberg tel...
Hot on the heels of her phenomenal American debut, The Ice Princess, Camilla Lackberg brings readers back to the quiet, isolated fishing village in Sweden where dangerous secrets lie just beneath the community's tranquil surface. During an unusually hot July, detective Patrik Hedstrom and Erica Falck are enjoying a rare week at home together, nervous and excited about the imminent birth of their first baby. Across town, however, a six-year-old boy makes a gruesome discovery that will ravage their little tourist community and catapult Patrik into the center of a terrifying...
Hot on the heels of her phenomenal American debut, The Ice Princess, Camilla Lackberg brings readers back to the quiet, isolated fishing vil...