"Introducing Hillol Bose" is the opening of a new detective series with Mr. Hillol Bose, as an 'unprofessional' detective and his friend Dr. Pranjal Das. "The Adventure of the Saints and Savages" is the first novella which corroborates a string of grotesque events in the mysterious Sundarban forests. The complex geography and mystic biodiversity of the heavenly devilish swampland appears to be in synchrony with the diabolical plot. The story has witnessed murder, smuggling, illegitimate relationships, Royal Bengal tiger, human bait and the mastery of Hillol Bose in unveiling the sensational...
"Introducing Hillol Bose" is the opening of a new detective series with Mr. Hillol Bose, as an 'unprofessional' detective and his friend Dr. Pranjal D...