Merging Eastern concepts of devotion and the presence of the divine in everyday life with Western practicality, thiscollection of short reflectionsoffers information on spirituality and relationships with God. The lineage of each individual s direct connection to God, the process of working with a spiritual master, and methods of screening a spiritual master are all described.Uniendoconceptos orientales de devocion y de la presencia de lo divino en la vida diaria con la practicidad occidental, estarecopilacion de meditaciones cortasofrece informacion sobre espiritualidad y...
Merging Eastern concepts of devotion and the presence of the divine in everyday life with Western practicality, thiscollection of short reflectionsoff...
Dynamic and informative, this book reveals the fascinating inner world of soul travel, and how accessing such a worldcan result in heightened spiritual awareness during one's waking hours. Even for those who have difficulties remembering their dreams, this manualoffers ways to delve into the sleeping part of one's life andincludes guidance on how to use dreams for advancement, the different levels of dreaming, and precognitive dreams.Dinamico y informativo, este librorevela el mundo interior del viaje del alma y como acceder a tal mundo puede resultar en mayor conciencia...
Dynamic and informative, this book reveals the fascinating inner world of soul travel, and how accessing such a worldcan result in heightened spiritua...