The ideas of major theorists of classical and contemporary rhetoric and argument from Aristotle to Burke, Toulmin, and Perelman are explained and elaborated upon, especially as they inform pedagogies of argumentation and composition.
The ideas of major theorists of classical and contemporary rhetoric and argument from Aristotle to Burke, Toulmin, and Perelman are explained and elab...
CONTENTS: SPECIAL ISSUE: WO/MEN'S WAYS OF MAKING IT IN WRITING STUDIES ARTICLES: "'What Would Happen if Everybody Behaved as I Do?': May Bush, Randall Jarrell, and the Historical 'Disappointment' of Women WPAs" by Kelly Ritter "Mothers' Ways of Making It-or Making Do?: Making (Over) Academic Lives In Rhetoric and Composition with Children" by Christine Peters Cucciarre, Deborah E. Morris, Lee Nickoson, Kim Hensley Owens, and Mary P. Sheridan "On Not "Making It In Composition" by Robert Danberg "Narrating Our Lives: Retelling Mothering and Professional Work in Composition Studies" by Loren...
CONTENTS: SPECIAL ISSUE: WO/MEN'S WAYS OF MAKING IT IN WRITING STUDIES ARTICLES: "'What Would Happen if Everybody Behaved as I Do?': May Bush, Randall...
CONTENTS: ARTICLES: Teaching the Analytical Life by Brian Jackson Writing Beyond Borders: Rethinking the Relationship Between Composition Studies and Professional Writing by Jennifer Bay Changing Research Methods, Changing History: A Reflection on Language, Location, and Archive by Jessica Enoch Podcasting and Performativity: Multimodal Invention in an Advanced Writing Class by Leigh A. Jones Not Just One Shot: Extending the Dialogue about Information Literacy in Composition Classes by Margaret Artman, Erica Frisicaro-Pawlowski, and Robert Monge COURSE DESIGN: Writing New York: Using Google...
CONTENTS: ARTICLES: Teaching the Analytical Life by Brian Jackson Writing Beyond Borders: Rethinking the Relationship Between Composition Studies and ...
CONTENTS: ARTICLES: "Noetic Writing: Plato Comes to Missouri" by Jeff Rice "Fraudulent Practices: Academic Misrepresentations of Plagiarism In the Name of Good Pedagogy" by Chris M. Anson "Aloneness and the Complicated Selves of Donald M. Murray" by Thomas J. Stewart ."Augmenting Literacy: The Role of Expertise in Digital Writing" by Derek Van Ittersum "The Elephants Evaluate: Some Notes on the Problem of Grades in Graduate Creative Writing Programs" by Rachel Peckham "Apprenticeship in the Instructor-Led Peer Conference" by Kory Lawson Ching COURSE DESIGN: "Taking It on the Road:...
CONTENTS: ARTICLES: "Noetic Writing: Plato Comes to Missouri" by Jeff Rice "Fraudulent Practices: Academic Misrepresentations of Plagiarism In the Nam...
CONTENTS: ARTICLES: "Forgotten Radicals: A History of the Term 'Theory' in Three Decades of WPA Scholarship" by Brian Ray "' So what are we working on?' Pronouns as a Way of Re-Examining Composing" by Kate Pantelides and Mariaelena Bartesaghi "Undergraduate Writing Majors and the Rhetoric of Professionalism" byChristian Weisser and Laurie Grobman "An Emerging Model for Student Feedback: Electronic Distributed Evaluation" by Beth Brunk-Chavez and Annette Arrigucci "What's in a Coauthor?: (Re)Locating Joseph Denney in Composition History" by Ivan Davis COURSE DESIGN: "Teaching as Text-The...
CONTENTS: ARTICLES: "Forgotten Radicals: A History of the Term 'Theory' in Three Decades of WPA Scholarship" by Brian Ray "' So what are we working on...
CONTENTS OF COMPOSITION STUDIES 40.2 (FALL 2012): ARTICLES Forging Rhetorical Subjects: Problem-Based Learning in The Writing Classroom by Paula Rosinski And Tim Peeples Incendiary Discourse: Reconsidering Flaming, Authority, and Democratic Subjectivity in Computer-Mediated Communication by Timothy Oleksiak Bodies Of Knowledge: Definitions, Delineations, and Implications of Embodied Writing in the Academy by A. Abby Knoblauch Reclaiming "Old" Literacies In The New Literacy Information Age: The Functional Literacies Of The Mediated Workstation by Ryan Shepherd and Peter Goggin COURSE DESIGNS...
CONTENTS OF COMPOSITION STUDIES 40.2 (FALL 2012): ARTICLES Forging Rhetorical Subjects: Problem-Based Learning in The Writing Classroom by Paula Rosin...