In the mid-1990s, the NYPD created a performance management strategy known as Compstat. It consisted of computerized data, crime analysis, and advanced crime mapping coupled with middle management accountability and crime strategy meetings with high-ranking decision makers. While initially credited with a dramatic reduction in crime, questions quickly arose as to the reliability of the data.
The Crime Numbers Game: Management by Manipulation brings together the work of two criminologists-one a former NYPD captain-who present the first in-depth empirical analysis of this...
In the mid-1990s, the NYPD created a performance management strategy known as Compstat. It consisted of computerized data, crime analysis, and adva...
Studying the flagship New York City Police Department is critical to understanding policing and democratic society. An examination of the department by experts who have been studying it for years, The New York City Police Department: The Impact of Its Policies and Practices provides a frank and open discussion about the NYPD from an elite group of scholars with varying viewpoints and concerns.
The authors in this book are uniquely qualified to discuss and analyze the intricacies of policies and their impact. Researchers working the streets of Brooklyn expose...
Studying the flagship New York City Police Department is critical to understanding policing and democratic society. An examination of the departmen...