The Suppliants, also known as The Suppliant Women, is an ancient Greek drama & play that was first performed in 423 BC. Aethra, the mother of the Athenian king Theseus, prays before the altar of Demeter and Persephone in Eleusis. She is surrounded by women from Argos whose sons died in battle outside the gates of Thebes. Because of Creon's decree, their corpses remain unburied. Adrastus, the king of Argos who authorized the expedition, lies weeping on the floor surrounded by the sons of the slain warriors. Aethra has sent a messenger to Theseus asking him to come to Eleusis. The old women beg...
The Suppliants, also known as The Suppliant Women, is an ancient Greek drama & play that was first performed in 423 BC. Aethra, the mother of the Athe...
The Phoenissae is a literature & fiction Greek tragedy written by Euripides in 408 BC, based on the same story as Aeschylus's play Seven Against Thebes. The title refers to the Greek chorus, which is composed of Phoenician women on their way to Delphi who are trapped in Thebes by the war. The chorus does not play a significant role in the plot, but represents the innocent and neutral people that very often are found in the middle of war situations. The ancient & medieval play opens with a summary of the story of Oedipus and its aftermath told by Jocasta, who in this version has not committed...
The Phoenissae is a literature & fiction Greek tragedy written by Euripides in 408 BC, based on the same story as Aeschylus's play Seven Against Thebe...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have survived. Ancient & medieval scholars have attributed 95 dramas & plays to Euripides, of which 19 are known to have survived more or less complete. Euripides is identified with theatrical innovations that have profoundly influenced drama & plays down to modern times. He was unique among the writers of ancient & medieval Athens for the sympathy he demonstrated towards all victims of society, including women. Euripides' Rhesus is an ancient &...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have sur...
Orestes is a literature & fiction Ancient & Medieval Greek tragedy play by Euripides that follows the events of Orestes after he had murdered his mother. In accordance with the advice of the god Apollo, Orestes has killed his mother Clytemnestra to avenge the death of his father Agamemnon at her hands. Despite Apollo's earlier prophecy, Orestes finds himself tormented by Erinyes to the blood guilt stemming from his matricide. The only person capable of calming Orestes down from his madness is his sister Electra. To complicate matters further, a leading political faction of Argos wants to put...
Orestes is a literature & fiction Ancient & Medieval Greek tragedy play by Euripides that follows the events of Orestes after he had murdered his moth...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have survived. Ancient & medieval scholars have attributed 95 dramas & plays to Euripides, of which 19 are known to have survived more or less complete. Euripides is identified with theatrical innovations that have profoundly influenced drama & plays down to modern times. He was unique among the writers of ancient & medieval Athens for the sympathy he demonstrated towards all victims of society, including women. Euripides' Medea is an ancient Greek...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have sur...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have survived. Ancient & medieval scholars have attributed 95 dramas & plays to Euripides, of which 19 are known to have survived more or less complete. Euripides is identified with theatrical innovations that have profoundly influenced drama & plays down to modern times. He was unique among the writers of ancient & medieval Athens for the sympathy he demonstrated towards all victims of society, including women. In Iphigenia in Tauris, Iphigenia...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have sur...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have survived. Ancient & medieval scholars have attributed 95 dramas & plays to Euripides, of which 19 are known to have survived more or less complete. Euripides is identified with theatrical innovations that have profoundly influenced drama & plays down to modern times. He was unique among the writers of ancient & medieval Athens for the sympathy he demonstrated towards all victims of society, including women. Iphigenia in Aulis is a Greek drama &...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have sur...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have survived. Ancient & medieval scholars have attributed 95 dramas & plays to Euripides, of which 19 are known to have survived more or less complete. Euripides is identified with theatrical innovations that have profoundly influenced drama & plays down to modern times. He was unique among the writers of ancient & medieval Athens for the sympathy he demonstrated towards all victims of society, including women. Heracles is an Athenian Greek tragedy in...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have sur...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have survived. Ancient & medieval scholars have attributed 95 dramas & plays to Euripides, of which 19 are known to have survived more or less complete. Euripides is identified with theatrical innovations that have profoundly influenced drama & plays down to modern times. He was unique among the writers of ancient & medieval Athens for the sympathy he demonstrated towards all victims of society, including women. Helen a romantic drama & play centers on...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have sur...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have survived. Ancient & medieval scholars have attributed 95 dramas & plays to Euripides, of which 19 are known to have survived more or less complete. Euripides is identified with theatrical innovations that have profoundly influenced drama & plays down to modern times. He was unique among the writers of ancient & medieval Athens for the sympathy he demonstrated towards all victims of society, including women. Hippolytus is a Greek tragedy which is...
Euripides is known in literature & fiction circles as a Greek tragedian of classical Athens. Euripides is one of the few whose dramas & plays have sur...