"I Call Evil Daddy" is the true story of a girl's hardscrabble life. Filled with adventures, misadventures, sorrow and fleeting joy, this riveting tale plumbs the depths of Carolyn Craig's path to eventual self-discovery. A memoir of heartache and love and optimism in the face of adversity, this book will truly touch your life.
"I Call Evil Daddy" is the true story of a girl's hardscrabble life. Filled with adventures, misadventures, sorrow and fleeting joy, this riveting ...
Geometry Basics for grades 5 to 8 targets the basic geometry concepts students need to understand and perform operations involved in higher-level math. In this standards-based series, students are given practice with lines, angles, circles, perimeter, area, volume, two-dimensional figures, and three-dimensional figures.
Mark Twain Media Publishing Company specializes in providing engaging supplemental books and decorative resources to complement middle- and upper-grade classrooms. Designed by leading educators, this product line covers a range of subjects including math, science, language...
Geometry Basics for grades 5 to 8 targets the basic geometry concepts students need to understand and perform operations involved in higher-level math...