Que hay en el corazon mismo de plantar una iglesia? El componente humano mas importante que tiene la plantacion de toda iglesia es su propio fundador. Las Escrituras se refieren con frecuencia a la personalidad y la labor que desempenan los que son llamados a ser lideres. Sin embargo, gran parte de esa sabiduria que procede de Dios es echada a un lado para sustituirla con estrategias y metodos humanos, lo cual termina haciendonos pagar un alto precio. Ya va siendo hora de que volvamos a los criterios llenos de autoridad de la Biblia a la hora de decidirnos en cuanto a la persona, el mensaje y...
Que hay en el corazon mismo de plantar una iglesia? El componente humano mas importante que tiene la plantacion de toda iglesia es su propio fundador....
Discover the path to true masculinity-to an adventurous life of strength, purpose, and clarity.
Didn't we used to understand manhood? Wasn't there a time once when it was clear and straightforward? Are we lost?
Dudes, look around you: The trail we once traveled from boyhood to maturity is now so overgrown, it's almost impossible to trace. Our vision is blurred, rendering the map that previous generations followed unreadable. Our compass needles are spinning in circles, making navigation impossible. We are stuck in dense, dangerous woods, and our communities-the wives,...
Discover the path to true masculinity-to an adventurous life of strength, purpose, and clarity.
Whatever you call it, the god of gold promises security, peace of mind, comfort, status, freedom, and all of our wildest dreams come true. From the Bible to the Beatles, however, our culture is filled with reminders that money can't buy what actually matters in life.
And yet money still keeps us up at night. People worry about it, live for it, die for it, and even kill for it. Money: God or Gift presents a better way: Get money without getting...
The personal finance book recommended by Michael Hyatt, Lecrae, Matt Chandler, and more.
-I am a well-loved wife.- Is this something your wife would say?
Here's your guide to making those words a reality in your marriage.
What do women want? This question has stumped the greatest male minds for centuries. Of course, if you're married, a much better question is, -What does your wife want?-
As Darrin and Amie Patrick reveal in this profoundly practical and transformational book, God designed your wife to want--to need--to be loved. And that design is an invitation for you to love her deeply, intentionally and...
-I am a well-loved wife.- Is this something your wife would say?
Here's your guide to making those words a reality...