This book begins with a history of the detective genre, coextensive with the novel itself, identifying the attitudes and institutions needed for the genre to emerge in its mature form around 1880. The theory of the genre is laid out along with its central theme of the getting and deployment of knowledge. Sherlock Holmes, the English Classic stories and their inheritors are examined in light of this theme and the balance of two forms of knowledge used in fictional detection - cool or rational, and warm of emotional. The evolution of the genre formula is driven by changes in the social climate...
This book begins with a history of the detective genre, coextensive with the novel itself, identifying the attitudes and institutions needed for the g...
Volume one: "E Lost and Found." The future. Earth is a ruined world. When a new one is discovered there is a rush to go. Unfortunately, people are already there: themselves. "E Lost and Found" tells the story. "E Seen and Unseen" finishes it.
Volume one: "E Lost and Found." The future. Earth is a ruined world. When a new one is discovered there is a rush to go. Unfortunately, people are alr...