"Watching over Wilbur" by author Jack Henderson tells the powerful story of two small-town American boys, one, a feisty Irishman, Keating O'Neil, and the other, an African American, Wilbur Washington. They find their separate life paths joined on the battlefields of Vietnam in a surreal, karmic dance that leads them each through temptation, addiction, greed, romance, and the vicissitudes of war. Both young soldiers are faced with life-and-death choices, while friends and relatives anguish as the news of their struggles reach them stateside. "Watching over Wilbur" explores wartime issues that...
"Watching over Wilbur" by author Jack Henderson tells the powerful story of two small-town American boys, one, a feisty Irishman, Keating O'Neil, and ...
"Watching over Wilbur" by author Jack Henderson tells the powerful story of two small-town American boys, one, a feisty Irishman, Keating O'Neil, and the other, an African American, Wilbur Washington. They find their separate life paths joined on the battlefields of Vietnam in a surreal, karmic dance that leads them each through temptation, addiction, greed, romance, and the vicissitudes of war. Both young soldiers are faced with life-and-death choices, while friends and relatives anguish as the news of their struggles reach them stateside. "Watching over Wilbur" explores wartime issues that...
"Watching over Wilbur" by author Jack Henderson tells the powerful story of two small-town American boys, one, a feisty Irishman, Keating O'Neil, and ...