This book focuses on the types of risky interactions that threaten identities, relationships, and sometimes careers, including voicing dissent, repairing broken relationships, managing privacy, responding to harassment, offering criticism, and communicating emotion. Each chapter is grounded in real-life organizational scenarios, includes recent research, applies a standard theoretical framework, and illustrates a full range of communicative tactics and discourse practices. Throughout the book, authors Vincent R. Waldron and Jeffrey W. Kassing provide examples to spur thinking, raise...
This book focuses on the types of risky interactions that threaten identities, relationships, and sometimes careers, including voicing dissent, repair...
The themes of nationhood, geography, citizenship, acculturation, identity, globalization, narrative and mythology reverberate throughout this book, especially with regard to how they shape place, identity, and culture.
The themes of nationhood, geography, citizenship, acculturation, identity, globalization, narrative and mythology reverberate throughout this book, es...
Teaches students how to navigate the ethically challenging and professionally risky situations they are likely to encounter in their working lives. Grounded in both classic and contemporary studies, this narrative-based text introduces a theoretical framework and pragmatic communication strategies for mitigating personal risk and optimizing relational and organisational outcomes.
Teaches students how to navigate the ethically challenging and professionally risky situations they are likely to encounter in their working lives. Gr...