This book discusses the basic geometric contents of an image and presents a treedatastructuretohandleite?ciently.Itanalyzesalsosomemorphological operators that simplify this geometric contents and their implementation in termsofthe datastructuresintroduced.It?nallyreviewsseveralapplications to image comparison and registration, to edge and corner computation, and the selection of features associated to a given scale in images. Let us ?rst say that, to avoid a long list, we shall not give references in this summary; they are obviously contained in this monograph. A gray level image is usually...
This book discusses the basic geometric contents of an image and presents a treedatastructuretohandleite?ciently.Itanalyzesalsosomemorphological opera...
La reprA(c)sentation d'une image numA(c)rique par un tableau de pixels n'est pas une information assez hiA(c)rarchique pour son analyse. Observant que le contraste importe bien moins que la gA(c)omA(c)trie, nous reprA(c)sentons l'information gA(c)omA(c)trique par les composantes connexes d'ensembles de niveaux dont nous remplissons les trous, la hiA(c)rarchie s'obtenant par l'ordre d'inclusion. La propriA(c)tA(c) attrayante de ces caractA(c)ristiques est qu'elles reprA(c)sentent exactement l'image. Deux filtres morphologiques en sont dA(c)duits. Ils sont invariants par inversion du contraste:...
La reprA(c)sentation d'une image numA(c)rique par un tableau de pixels n'est pas une information assez hiA(c)rarchique pour son analyse. Observant que...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Workshop on Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, RRPR 2016, held in Cancun, Mexico, in December 2016. The 12 revised full papers, among them 2 invited talks, presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 16 submissions.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Workshop on Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition, RR...