"U2: A Musical Biography" tells the story of the phenomenally popular Irish rock band whose passionate songs and performances have taken them from their Dublin upbringing to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame all with the band's original foursome of Bono, The Edge, Larry Mullen, and Adam Clayton intact.
"U2" follows the band from the early talent show victory that got them their first recording contract to their 1987 worldwide breakout with "The Joshua Tree" and the string of critically acclaimed albums and sold-out stadium and arena tours that followed. As the story of U2 unfolds, readers...
"U2: A Musical Biography" tells the story of the phenomenally popular Irish rock band whose passionate songs and performances have taken them from...
"Bono: A Biography" takes a broad look at the pop star's life from his birth until the present day while also examining in depth the major events throughout his life. It covers Bono's accomplishments as part of U2 and also provides great detail about this complex celebrity figure's achievements outside of his involvement with his band--for example, his activities as a major spokesperson on issues of debt relief and poverty.
This book will be appreciated by general readers as well as high school students with an interest in pop culture and politics. Authored by a writer who has been a...
"Bono: A Biography" takes a broad look at the pop star's life from his birth until the present day while also examining in depth the major events t...