This book is a how-to manual for school mental health professionals, educators, and administrators that discusses a series of steps that can be used to proactively manage and prevent many different types of behavioral problems in a positive manner. It incorporates both the high structure and high behavioral expectations that are crucial for school success, but also describes following this structure in such a way that students feel included, important, and respected. Rather than requiring the mental health providers to investigate the research themselves and come up with a behavioral problem...
This book is a how-to manual for school mental health professionals, educators, and administrators that discusses a series of steps that can be used t...
Contents: Introduction to Positive Behavior Supports and Response to Intervention for Behavior. Building the School-based Problem-solving Team. Part I: Tier I. Understanding Positive Behavior Support. School-wide Prevention. Preventing Classroom Misbehaviors. Implementing a School-wide Token Economy. Making Office Discipline Referrals Work. Identifying School-wide Problems. Identifying Class-wide Problems. Part II: Tier II. Identifying Students for Tier II Interventions. Providing Interventions for Students at Tier II. Part III: Tier III. Understanding the Function of Behavior. Creating...
Contents: Introduction to Positive Behavior Supports and Response to Intervention for Behavior. Building the School-based Problem-solving Team. Part I...