The design of either LaserCom or LIDAR systems requires a reliable but tractable theoretical foundation (analytical model) for the calculation of phase and/or intensity statistics of the wave at the receiver under a wide range of atmospheric conditions. All rigorously developed results existing in the literature are unfortunately constrained to certain regimes (weak atmospheric fluctuations, quasi-incoherent sources, fully diffuse targets, etc.). Moreover, there are no analytic results describing the behavior of partially coherent waves in moderate-to-strong fluctuations. We establish...
The design of either LaserCom or LIDAR systems requires a reliable but tractable theoretical foundation (analytical model) for the calculation of phas...
Random Light Beams: Theory and Applications contemplates the potential in harnessing random light. This book discusses light matter interactions, and concentrates on the various phenomena associated with beam-like fields. It explores natural and man-made light fields and gives an overview of recently introduced families of random light beams. It outlines mathematical tools for analysis, suggests schemes for realization, and discusses possible applications.
The book introduces the essential concepts needed for a deeper understanding of the subject, discusses...
Random Light Beams: Theory and Applications contemplates the potential in harnessing random light. This book discusses light matte...