Bombax ceiba (Bombacaceae), Erythrina variegate var. orientalis (Fabaceae), Alangium salvifolium (Alangiaceae) and Spathodea campanulata (Bignoniaceae)bloom and produce fruits for seed dispersal during dry season. B. ceiba is a self- incompatible, obligate outcrosser, switching to ornithophily. E. variegata is an ornithophile. S. campanulata is a self-incompatible, obligate outcrosser, switching to ornithophily. A.salvifolium is a generalist flower, adapted to birds and bees. In A. salvifolium, fruits are fleshy, and attract birds which act as seed dispersal agents. In all other...
Bombax ceiba (Bombacaceae), Erythrina variegate var. orientalis (Fabaceae), Alangium salvifolium (Alangiaceae) and Spathodea campanulata (Bignoniac...
Trigona iridipennis is commonly called 'stingless bee'. It is most common and widely distributed in India. It is important for its honey and has a prominent role in the pollination of wild plants. Its nest structure is quite different from honeybee nest. There is very limited knowledge available on its nesting behaviour, morphometrics and foraging ecology. The work presented in the book provides some details on these aspects in the context of reciprocal relationships with different plants. The work would be useful to all bee lovers, ecotourists, entomologists, biologists, apiary...
Trigona iridipennis is commonly called 'stingless bee'. It is most common and widely distributed in India. It is important for its honey and has a pro...