How do we form a connection to the ideals and institutions of public life? This connection is sometimes expressed in the language of civic engagement, public service, and commitment to the public good. While we do not lack for literature to guide us in thinking about public life, we have less to call on when our problem is not only to explore public ideals and institutions, but also to consider the nature and origin of our capacity to make a connection with and find meaning in those institutions and ideals. Levine explores the nature and origin of this capacity to form a connection and find...
How do we form a connection to the ideals and institutions of public life? This connection is sometimes expressed in the language of civic engagement,...
Politics without Reason explores the roots of contemporary hostility toward liberalism. The thesis of the book is that ambivalence about the self and about desire as an expression of the self fosters the intense animosity we observe directed toward the liberal ideal.
Politics without Reason explores the roots of contemporary hostility toward liberalism. The thesis of the book is that ambivalence about the self and ...