"Rebel Prince" tells the story about a prince and his quest for his missing beloved in an unknown world. Justin Joshua Jordan is the youngest son of the king of Jordan. Joshua is the leader of a Q group, a Special Forces unit composed of highly trained individuals with different abilities which include a leader, an engineer, a healer, and a communication s expert and a woman named Jamie who enhances the skills of the male members. Before the Joshua's Q group's training is completed, all the military is deployed on a rescue mission. During this mission, Jamie is injured and the King takes this...
"Rebel Prince" tells the story about a prince and his quest for his missing beloved in an unknown world. Justin Joshua Jordan is the youngest son of t...
Henry (Horsefly Hank) and his new friend have to find out who stole the famous Osage war shield while trying to dodge the school bullies, the meanest kids in town
Henry (Horsefly Hank) and his new friend have to find out who stole the famous Osage war shield while trying to dodge the school bullies, the meanest ...