This book proposes a formalisation of emotions in a BDI logic (logic of belief, desire and intention). Such a formalisation aims at helping the design of emotional agents. The first part is dedicated to the state of the art, from the point of view of both psychology (history of theories of emotions) and computer science (emotional agents and their applications). The second part is dedicated to the logical formalisation of emotions; it introduces the logical framework, exposes and argues the formal definitions of twenty emotions, and proves some of their properties. Finally the last part is...
This book proposes a formalisation of emotions in a BDI logic (logic of belief, desire and intention). Such a formalisation aims at helping the design...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries, ISCRAM‐med 2015, held in Tunis, Tunisia, in October 2015.
The objectives of the ISCRAM‐med conference are to provide an outstanding opportunity and an international forum for local and international researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to address and discuss new trends and challenges with respect to information systems for crisis response and disaster management.
The 14 full papers and...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in ...