The main story concerns the life story of the character Sabbir Ali, a typical Bengali Indian restaurant worker who eventually becomes a successful millionaire. However, the action of the story is based between both London's East End Bengali community and in Bangladesh, with a sub-plot of revenge for an attempted rape many years before. The book explores the following themes: Culture, Family, Love, Deceit, Emotion, Immigration, Politics, Religion, Racism, Revenge, Arranged-marriage and War.
The main story concerns the life story of the character Sabbir Ali, a typical Bengali Indian restaurant worker who eventually becomes a successful mil...
The main story concerns the life story of the character Sabbir Ali, a typical Bengali Indian restaurant worker who eventually becomes a successful millionaire. However, the action of the story is based between both London's East End Bengali community and in Bangladesh, with a sub-plot of revenge for an attempted rape many years before. The book explores the following themes: Culture, Family, Love, Deceit, Emotion, Immigration, Politics, Religion, Racism, Revenge, Arranged-marriage and War.
The main story concerns the life story of the character Sabbir Ali, a typical Bengali Indian restaurant worker who eventually becomes a successful mil...