"Hearing is a form of touch. Something that's so hard to describe, so- thing that comes, sound that comes to you. . . You feel it through your body, and, sometimes, it almost hits your face. " Evelyn Glennie, Touch The Sound The 4th International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design was held in September 2009 in Dresden, Germany (the previous meetings were held in Glasgow, Seoul and Jyv] askyl] a). The conference is the agship event of the communitypromotingresearchandscienti?cprogressintheaudioandhaptic- teraction ?eld. The main focus of the HAID workshop series is to bring...
"Hearing is a form of touch. Something that's so hard to describe, so- thing that comes, sound that comes to you. . . You feel it through your body, a...