A Detailed History of Lawyers in Ancient Greece, Rome, England and France First published in 1849 in London under the title Hortensius: or, The Advocate, Forsyth's History of Lawyers is a spirited account of advocacy in ancient Greece, Rome, and England and of the bar in France. Acknowledging that " w]e are too apt to cloth the ancients in buckram, and view them, as it were, through a magnifying glass, so that they loom before us in the dim distance in almost colossal proportions," Forsyth presents in familiar terms the language of the law and how advocates behaved. Frequently citing...
A Detailed History of Lawyers in Ancient Greece, Rome, England and France First published in 1849 in London under the title Hortensius: or, The Advoca...
In this work, first published in 1802 and followed by many subsequent editions, the famous horticulturalist William Forsyth (c. 1737 1804) gives an exhaustive guide to the cultivation of fruit trees and advises on pests and diseases. Forsyth was appointed superintendent of the Royal Gardens of St James and Kensington in 1784, and was also one of the founders of the (now Royal) Horticultural Society. The work is divided into two parts: in the first, various kinds of fruit trees, including soft fruit and nuts, are described in detail. Forsyth explains how to plant and prune them and gives...
In this work, first published in 1802 and followed by many subsequent editions, the famous horticulturalist William Forsyth (c. 1737 1804) gives an ex...
History of Trial by Jury. (Second edition). Originally published: Jersey City: Frederick D. Linn, 1875]. x, 388 pp. Reprinted 1996, 2012 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. Paperback. New. First published in England in 1852, Forsyth's History of Trial by Jury is the first full-scale historical account of the rise and growth of the jury system in England. Highly regarded, this book went through 37 editions. The first American edition, the source of this reprint, adds a number of notes and corrections to American references in previous editions. An excellent summary of the opinions of...
History of Trial by Jury. (Second edition). Originally published: Jersey City: Frederick D. Linn, 1875]. x, 388 pp. Reprinted 1996, 2012 by The Lawbo...