The book reports on the present state of the theoretical presentation, empirical investigation, psycholinguistic aspects and acquisition of information structure, and computation. It also provides descriptions of the information structural encoding strategies of individual languages of different types. The book can be used as a textbook appropriate for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses.
The book reports on the present state of the theoretical presentation, empirical investigation, psycholinguistic aspects and acquisition of informa...
A group of authors containing both leading authorities and young researchers addresses a number of issues of contrastiveness, polarity items and exhaustivity, quantificational expressions and the implicatures they generate, and the interaction between semantic operators and speech acts. The 19 contributions provide insights on the interplay between semantics and pragmatics. The volume s reach is cross-linguistic and takes an unorthodox multi-paradigm approach. Languages studied range from European languages including Hungarian and Russian to East Asian languages such as Japanese and Korean,...
A group of authors containing both leading authorities and young researchers addresses a number of issues of contrastiveness, polarity items and exhau...