This handbook offers the first comprehensive overview of the life and work of Stefan George and his inner circle. It systematically addresses not only the internal network, but also the external effect of the individuals. For this purpose, the contributors critically analyzed the body of research, which has been consistently increasing during the past decades, newly verified bio-bibliographic elements, and compiled numerous references of text reception. The work of George and his inner circle, which was widely received in intellectual-cultural, academic and political life, corresponds with...
This handbook offers the first comprehensive overview of the life and work of Stefan George and his inner circle. It systematically addresses not o...
Der Band versammelt 36 Beitrage eines internationalen transdisziplinaren Kolloquiums, das anlasslich des 700. Geburtstags von Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374) im Jahre 2004 an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat in Freiburg/Breisgau stattfand. Erstmals wird umfassend die immense Wirkung bestimmt, die Petrarca und sein Werk auf die Literatur, Kunst und Musik in Deutschland vom neulateinischen Humanismus bis zur Gegenwartslyrik ausubten.
Der Band versammelt 36 Beitrage eines internationalen transdisziplinaren Kolloquiums, das anlasslich des 700. Geburtstags von Francesco Petrarca (1...