This comic series has been featured on CNN, FOX NEWS & OK Magazine. Join Bluewater as we explore the life and times of Caroline Kennedy in the final installment of the first series of politically themed Female Force series, exploring strong women and the events that shaped their lives. From Camelot to the recent election, see the impact that the last child of the Kennedy dynasty has had in shaping the new America
This comic series has been featured on CNN, FOX NEWS & OK Magazine. Join Bluewater as we explore the life and times of Caroline Kennedy in the final ...
She s a television trailblazer with a unique view all her own. Read the incredible true story of Barbara Walters rise from the daughter of a nightclub promoter to the pinnacle of TV journalism.
She s a television trailblazer with a unique view all her own. Read the incredible true story of Barbara Walters rise from the daughter of a nightclub...
Sandra C. Ruckdeschel Pedro Ponzo Vinnie Tartamella
Ellen DeGeneres is taking the world by storm Emmy's Endless accolades It all seems so easy, but Ellen's journey to get where she is now was not always a smooth one. She's felt the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. But through it all, she managed to stay true to herself and prove that she is a female force to be reckoned with.
Ellen DeGeneres is taking the world by storm Emmy's Endless accolades It all seems so easy, but Ellen's journey to get where she is now was not alw...