This is the 1950s rural northern Michigan coming-of-age tale. Set in 1957 in rural northern Michigan, Season of Water and Ice is the story of a pivotal few months in the life of young teen Danny DeWitt, who lives alone with his father following the sudden departure of his mother. Bookish and relatively friendless, Danny becomes acquainted with Amber, a pregnant teenager abandoned by her boyfriend and rejected by her family. Both outsiders - one because of disposition, the other because of social stigma - Danny and Amber form an unusual, openhearted alliance that helps each deal with their...
This is the 1950s rural northern Michigan coming-of-age tale. Set in 1957 in rural northern Michigan, Season of Water and Ice is the story of a pivota...
Six years later, the author has returned with a bracing new collection of short stories that will do for the center of the country what Cheever did for the suburbs of New York. This title explores the complexities of human interactions and imbues them with an honest naturalism that is sure to endear him to readers - in the Midwest and beyond.
Six years later, the author has returned with a bracing new collection of short stories that will do for the center of the country what Cheever did fo...