These collected studies on the philosophy of the image offer the fundamental insight that images alone make the artificial presence of things possible. Images present things as exclusively visible, released from the laws of physics. Taking this idea as his point of departure, Wiesing provides an overview of the fundamental positions in contemporary image studies. He describes the use of images as signs from a phenomenological perspective, reconstructs Plato's concept of mimesis by way of the canon of images it presupposes, and demonstrates the special relevance of extreme types of images--...
These collected studies on the philosophy of the image offer the fundamental insight that images alone make the artificial presence of things possible...
These collected studies on the philosophy of the image offer the fundamental insight that images alone make the artificial presence of things possible. Images present things as exclusively visible, released from the laws of physics. Taking this idea as his point of departure, Wiesing provides an overview of the fundamental positions in contemporary image studies. He describes the use of images as signs from a phenomenological perspective, reconstructs Plato's concept of mimesis by way of the canon of images it presupposes, and demonstrates the special relevance of extreme types of images--...
These collected studies on the philosophy of the image offer the fundamental insight that images alone make the artificial presence of things possible...
Dieser Band aus der Reihe Studienbibliothek ist ideal als erste Orientierung fr Theorieeinsteiger und schafft eine fundierte Grundlage fr Lektrekurse an Schulen und Universitten.
Dieser Band aus der Reihe Studienbibliothek ist ideal als erste Orientierung fr Theorieeinsteiger und schafft eine fundierte Grundlage fr Lektrekurse ...
Der Band versammelt historische und systematische Studien zum Bildbegriff und bietet einen berblick ber die grundlegenden Positionen innerhalb der gegenwrtigen Bildwissenschaft. Die Verwendung von Bildern als Zeichen wird aus einer phnomenologischen Sicht beschrieben, Platons Mimesisbegriff anhand seiner kanonischen Bildvorstellungen rekonstruiert und die besondere Bedeutung extremer Bildtypen - wie die virtuelle Realitt, Benutzeroberflchen oder die abstrakte Fotografie - fr die philosophische Arbeit am Bildbegriff aufgezeigt. Doch so unterschiedlich die Themen der einzelnen Studien auch...
Der Band versammelt historische und systematische Studien zum Bildbegriff und bietet einen berblick ber die grundlegenden Positionen innerhalb der geg...
Lambert Wiesing's The Philosophy of Perception challenges current theories of perception. Instead of attempting to understand how a subject perceives the world, Wiesing starts by taking perception to be real. He then asks what this reality means for a subject. In his original approach, the question of how human perception is possible is displaced by questions about what perception obliges us to be and do. He argues that perception requires us to be embodied, to be visible, and to continually participate in the public and physical world we perceive. Only in looking at images, he...
Lambert Wiesing's The Philosophy of Perception challenges current theories of perception. Instead of attempting to understand how a subject ...
Lambert Wiesing's The Philosophy of Perception challenges current theories of perception. Instead of attempting to understand how a subject perceives the world, Wiesing starts by taking perception to be real. He then asks what this reality means for a subject. In his original approach, the question of how human perception is possible is displaced by questions about what perception obliges us to be and do. He argues that perception requires us to be embodied, to be visible, and to continually participate in the public and physical world we perceive. Only in looking at images, he...
Lambert Wiesing's The Philosophy of Perception challenges current theories of perception. Instead of attempting to understand how a subject ...