In his highly anticipated sequel to The Elements, Theodore Gray demonstrates how the elements of the periodic table combine to form the molecules that make up our world. Everything physical is made up of the elements and the infinite variety of molecules they form when they combine with each other. In Molecules, Theodore Gray takes the next step in the grand story that began with the periodic table in his best-selling book, The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe. Here, he explores through fascinating stories and trademark...
In his highly anticipated sequel to The Elements, Theodore Gray demonstrates how the elements of the periodic table combine to form the mole...
An all-new, exciting Elements board book for babies ages 0-3 years, that features big, bright and colorful photography from Theodore Gray's bestselling book The Elements paired with delightful, baby-friendly text that teaches baby about the ABCs and the elements of the periodic table at the same time!
An all-new, exciting Elements board book for babies ages 0-3 years, that features big, bright and colorful photography from Theodore Gray's bestsellin...
Million-copy bestselling author of The Elements, Molecules and Reactions Theodore Gray applies his trademark mix of engaging stories, real-time experiments and stunning photography to the inner workings of machines, big and small, revealing the extraordinary science, beauty and rich history of everyday things.
Million-copy bestselling author of The Elements, Molecules and Reactions Theodore Gray applies his trademark mix of engaging stories, real-time experi...
Includes a bonus poster of Theodore Gray's PERIODIC TABLE OF TOOLS! Tools is arguably Theodore Gray's most personal book yet. Hand tools and power tools have been a central part of his life for as long as he can remember. Using them, collecting them, and appreciating them is as much a part of his DNA as his passion for the periodic table. This book is the story of those tools, from Gray's personal favourites that have stuck with him through to years, to new and exciting antiques and modern inventions that he's discovered along the way. Organized into 118 categories, (and cleverly arranged...
Includes a bonus poster of Theodore Gray's PERIODIC TABLE OF TOOLS! Tools is arguably Theodore Gray's most personal book yet. Hand tools and power to...