Educating Children with Life-Limiting Conditions supports teachers who are working with children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions in mainstream schools by providing them with the core knowledge and skills that underpin effective practice within a whole-school and cross-agency approach. Mainstream schools now include increasing numbers of children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and this accessible book is written by a team comprised of both education and health professionals, helping to bridge the gap between different services.
Educating Children with Life-Limiting Conditions supports teachers who are working with children with life-limiting or life-threatening co...
Educating Children with Life-Limiting Conditions supports teachers who are working with children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions in mainstream schools by providing them with the core knowledge and skills that underpin effective practice within a whole-school and cross-agency approach. Mainstream schools now include increasing numbers of children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, and this accessible book is written by a team comprised of both education and health professionals, helping to bridge the gap between different services.
Educating Children with Life-Limiting Conditions supports teachers who are working with children with life-limiting or life-threatening co...
Americans love to hate consumerism. Scholars, intellectuals, musicians, and writers of all kinds take pleasure in complaining that consumer culture endangers the "real" things in life. In Authenticity Guaranteed, Sally Robinson brings to light the unacknowledged gender and class assumptions of anti-consumerist critique in the second half of the twentieth century.
Americans love to hate consumerism. Scholars, intellectuals, musicians, and writers of all kinds take pleasure in complaining that consumer culture en...
Americans love to hate consumerism. Scholars, intellectuals, musicians, and writers of all kinds take pleasure in complaining that consumer culture endangers the "real" things in life. In Authenticity Guaranteed, Sally Robinson brings to light the unacknowledged gender and class assumptions of anti-consumerist critique in the second half of the twentieth century.
Americans love to hate consumerism. Scholars, intellectuals, musicians, and writers of all kinds take pleasure in complaining that consumer culture en...