Acerca del libro: Mi hermano tiene autismo es la historia de Richard, cuyo hermano menor, Kevin, es autista. Richard quiere ayudar a su hermano a superar su miedo de los insectos, pero Kevin no esta listo La historia se basa en eventos verdaderos de la vida del autor y la de su hermano, el ilustrador. About the Book: My Brother has Autism is a story about Richard, whose younger brother Kevin is autistic. Richard wants to help his brother overcome his fear of insects, but Kevin isn't quite ready The story is based on true life events from the author's life and that of his brother, the...
Acerca del libro: Mi hermano tiene autismo es la historia de Richard, cuyo hermano menor, Kevin, es autista. Richard quiere ayudar a su hermano a supe...
About the Book: Laura hears someone or something calling from her closet. Who or what is it? TAGS: Book, easy, reference, dictionary, verb, children's book, dual language, bilingual children's book, easy book
About the Book: Laura hears someone or something calling from her closet. Who or what is it? TAGS: Book, easy, reference, dictionary, verb, children's...
About the Book: One day when Eddie's out playing, he hears a rustle in the bushes Is it his brother, trying to scare him, or something more sinister? A propos du livre: Un jour, alors que Eddie joue dehors, il entend un bruissement dans les buissons Est-ce son frere qui tente de lui faire peur, ou quelque chose de plus sinistre? TAGS: Book, easy, reference, dictionary, verb, French children's book, dual language, French book, children's book in French, easy, france, easy French book"
About the Book: One day when Eddie's out playing, he hears a rustle in the bushes Is it his brother, trying to scare him, or something more sinister?...
About the Book: Laura hears someone or something calling from her closet. Who or what is it? A propos du livre: Laura entend quelque chose ou quelqu'un appeler depuis le placard. C'est qui ou c'est quoi? TAGS: Book, easy, reference, dictionary, verb, French children's book, dual language, French book, children's book in French, easy, bilingual children's book, easy French book"
About the Book: Laura hears someone or something calling from her closet. Who or what is it? A propos du livre: Laura entend quelque chose ou quelqu'u...
About the Book: Laura hears someone or something calling from her closet. Who or what is it? Konsenan Liv la: Laura tande yon moun oswa yon bagay k ap rele anndan klozet li a. Kimoun oswa kisa li ye? TAGS: Book, easy, reference, dictionary, verb, children's book, dual language, children's book in Haitian Creole, bilingual children's book, easy Haitian Creole book"
About the Book: Laura hears someone or something calling from her closet. Who or what is it? Konsenan Liv la: Laura tande yon moun oswa yon bagay k ap...
A proposito del libro: Laura sente qualcuno o qualcosa chiamare dal suo armadio. Chi o che cos'e? Konsenan Liv la: Laura tande yon moun oswa yon bagay k ap rele anndan klozet li a. Kimoun oswa kisa li ye? TAGS: Libro, facile, riferimento, dizionario, verbo, Libro dei bambini inglesi, lingua doppia, Libro inglese, libro dei bambini in inglese, facile, L'America, libro inglese facile"
A proposito del libro: Laura sente qualcuno o qualcosa chiamare dal suo armadio. Chi o che cos'e? Konsenan Liv la: Laura tande yon moun oswa yon bagay...
A proposito del libro: Laura sente qualcuno o qualcosa chiamare dal suo armadio. Chi o che cos'e? TAGS: Libro, facile, riferimento, dizionario, verbo"
A proposito del libro: Laura sente qualcuno o qualcosa chiamare dal suo armadio. Chi o che cos'e? TAGS: Libro, facile, riferimento, dizionario, verbo"...
About the Book: Laura hears someone or something calling from her closet. Who or what is it? Uber das Buch: Laura hort, wie jemand sie aus ihrem Schrank ruft. Wer oder was ist das? TAGS: Book, easy, reference, dictionary, verb, German children's book, dual language, German book, children's book in German, easy, bilingual children's book, easy German book"
About the Book: Laura hears someone or something calling from her closet. Who or what is it? Uber das Buch: Laura hort, wie jemand sie aus ihrem Schra...