Will the years 2015 and 2016 be the terminal years of earth's history? Or a new era predicted by Jesus Christ himself? Read the answer to this amazing prophecy only in 'Unlocking the Patmos Code'.
What does the future hold for the treaty of Rome and the E.E.C.? Will there be a final Roman Empire? Who will be its leader?
Will the events of the 9/11 be the catalyst for a Third World War?
Did the ancient prophet, Isaiah, predict the attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre 700 years B.C.?
Did the prophet Ezekiel foresee the collapse of the world stock market?
Will the years 2015 and 2016 be the terminal years of earth's history? Or a new era predicted by Jesus Christ himself? Read the answer to this amazing...
Will the years 2015 and 2016 be the terminal years of earth's history? Or a new era predicted by Jesus Christ himself? Read the answer to this amazing prophecy only in 'Unlocking the Patmos Code'.
What does the future hold for the treaty of Rome and the E.E.C.? Will there be a final Roman Empire? Who will be its leader?
Will the events of the 9/11 be the catalyst for a Third World War?
Did the ancient prophet, Isaiah, predict the attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre 700 years B.C.?
Did the prophet Ezekiel foresee the collapse of the world stock market?
Will the years 2015 and 2016 be the terminal years of earth's history? Or a new era predicted by Jesus Christ himself? Read the answer to this amazing...