Articles include: -Pre-Operative Assesment of the Dysvascular/Diabetic Amputee, ? -Prosthetic/Rehabilitation issues in the Dysvascular/Diabetic Amputee, ? -Update in PVD and Claudication Rehabilitation, ? -Update in Cardiac Rehabilitation, ? -Pain Issues in the Dysvascular Diabetic Patient, ? -Electrodiagnosis of in the Dysvascular Patient -Diabetic Neuropathy and Other Conditions, ? -Skin Care and Prevention of Amputation in the Dysvascular Diabetic, ? -Update in the in Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetic Foot Infections, ? -Dysvascular Issues in the Spinal Cord P
Articles include: -Pre-Operative Assesment of the Dysvascular/Diabetic Amputee, ? -Prosthetic/Rehabilitation issues in the Dysvascular/Diabetic Ampute...