Si usted conoce a alguien con el cancer, y ellos van a recibir tratamientos de radiacion y quimioterapia; este libro puede ayudar a aliviar el dolor y la incomodidad causada por estos tratamientos asperos las tecnicas y los productos secretos descritos en estas paginas seran el differance entre su comodidad y su miseria Este libro hace un gran regalo "
Si usted conoce a alguien con el cancer, y ellos van a recibir tratamientos de radiacion y quimioterapia; este libro puede ayudar a aliviar el dolor y...
Cancer patients get a certain look in their eyes when they are in pain from chemotherapy and radiation treatments and they don't want any more treatments; but of course, they must continue. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I had no idea what to expect. I had heard that the treatments were harsh but nothing could have prepared me for the side effects the treatments had on me If you have cancer or know someone that has cancer; the information in this book will reduce the pain of the side effectrs by 75% By using the products recommended in this book, you will stay healthier and feel much...
Cancer patients get a certain look in their eyes when they are in pain from chemotherapy and radiation treatments and they don't want any more treatme...