Nine Success Experts Share Their Secrets on Happiness, Motivation and Success If you've ever wondered if there's more to life than just the "daily grind," this book is for you. Nine success experts who have all gotten UnStuck themselves and who are all now living the life of their dreams are about to share some of the best kept secrets in the field of success. You only get one shot at this life, and each and every day is a gift. It's a lie to believe that you can't have what you want, do what you want and be who you want right here, right now. And this book will show you how. UnStuck will...
Nine Success Experts Share Their Secrets on Happiness, Motivation and Success If you've ever wondered if there's more to life than just the "daily gri...
Aprende a hipnotizarte facilmente, y a los demas Imaginate como sera aprender uno de los talentos mas poderosos y menos comprendidos del mundo... como hipnotizar gente Tus amigos, familiares y companeros estaran asombrados por las cosas maravillosas que has aprendido. De una vez por todas, romperas el misterio y sabras lo que es realmente la hipnosis cuando compres Aprende Hipnosis... Ya La Hipnosis es real, asombrosa y extremadamente poderosa. Cuidado, escepticos; tendran que encontrar otra cosa que dudar una vez que lean Aprende Hipnosis... Ya Con este libro, estaras hipnotizando gente...
Aprende a hipnotizarte facilmente, y a los demas Imaginate como sera aprender uno de los talentos mas poderosos y menos comprendidos del mundo... com...
When Michelangelo set out to paint the Sistine Chapel and sculpt his David, he had a compelling vision that drove him to pursue the final product until he achieved the fulfillment of each Masterpiece. When Leonardo da Vinci was painting his Mona Lisa, he summoned all of his talent, vision and creative power to produce his Masterpiece. When Beethoven composed his Ninth Symphony, he heard every note in his mind before he compiled his timeless creation, even though he was deaf. You may or may not believe it now, but YOU have the same potential as these Masterful Artists to create Your Life as...
When Michelangelo set out to paint the Sistine Chapel and sculpt his David, he had a compelling vision that drove him to pursue the final product unti...
Cuando Miguel Angel se dispuso a pintar la Capilla Sixtina y esculpir su David, tuvo una vision convincente que lo impulso a ir en pos del producto final hasta lograr la conclusion de esa Obra Maestra. Cuando Leonardo da Vinci estaba pintando su Mona Lisa, evoco todo su talento, vision y creatividad para producir su Obra Maestra. Cuando Beethoven compuso su Novena Sinfonia, escucho cada nota en su mente antes de recopilar su creacion intemporal, aunque era sordo. Aunque no lo creas, TU tienes el mismo potencial que estos Artistas Maestros para crear Tu Vida como Tu Obra Maestra. Al revelarte...
Cuando Miguel Angel se dispuso a pintar la Capilla Sixtina y esculpir su David, tuvo una vision convincente que lo impulso a ir en pos del producto fi...