Foundlings, book one of The Peleg Chronicles is Historical Fiction "Fantasy" that takes place in the time period of Peleg, soon after the tower of Babel dispersion. In its pages we meet with dragons, giants, false priests, the death hunt, an under-city of the dwarven brotherhood, and many memorable characters. The story begins with Lord McDougal and his faithful shield-bearer, Fergus Leatherhead, departing their lands with giants at their backs, while before them lie in wait denizens of the bog-land and forest. Ever ready to protect and serve others, they gather in tow an assortment of...
Foundlings, book one of The Peleg Chronicles is Historical Fiction "Fantasy" that takes place in the time period of Peleg, soon after the tower of Bab...
Paladins, the second book of the Peleg Chronicles, finds us back in the company of Lord McDougal and Fergus Leatherhead as the Death Hunt begins. But the outcome is not what one would expect. Can they escape? Will they find the foundlings before the Dragon Priests do? Our noble heroes must put all their hope in the Lord's mercies, while they journey forward by faith. They are the Paladins, the courageous protectors of the weak, and a light to those that would seek their demise.
Paladins, the second book of the Peleg Chronicles, finds us back in the company of Lord McDougal and Fergus Leatherhead as the Death Hunt begins. But ...