A unique collection of advice for lifeand perhaps the first 'self-help' book ever written Written over 350 years ago, The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence is a subtle collection of 300 witty and thought-provoking aphorisms. From the art of being lucky to the healthy use of caution, these elegant maxims were created as a guide to life, with further suggestions given on cultivating good taste, knowing how to refuse, the foolishness of complaining and the wisdom of controlling one's passions. Baltasar Gracian intended these ingenious, pragmatic aphorisms to challenge the mind,...
A unique collection of advice for lifeand perhaps the first 'self-help' book ever written Written over 350 years ago, The Pocket Oracle ...
Gracian, Balthasar Taube, Otto von Schopenhauer, Arthur
Ein Ratgeber fr das Leben, ein Bestseller seit Jahrhunderten: Mit den Gedanken und Aphorismen des spanischen Jesuitenpaters und Schriftstellers Balthasar Gracian (1601-1658) beginnt die Philosophie der Lebenskunst.Wie finde ich mein Glck? Wie bringe ich mich in Einklang zu meiner Umwelt? Gracians Ratschlge an den einzelnen werden dem menschlichen Alltag gerecht, seine meisterhafte, oft witzige und das Paradox nicht scheuende, blitzende Sprache veranlate Arthur Schopenhauer zu einer kongenialen bertragung:
Ein Ratgeber fr das Leben, ein Bestseller seit Jahrhunderten: Mit den Gedanken und Aphorismen des spanischen Jesuitenpaters und Schriftstellers Baltha...
Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of titles available, and we invite you to search for us by name, contact us via our website, or download our most recent catalogues. I have endeavoured to reproduce Gracian's Laconism and Cultismo in my version, and have even tried to retain his many paronomasias and jingles of similar sound. I may have here and there introduced others of my own to redress the balance for cases where I found it impossible to produce the same effect in English. In...
Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of ...
Balthasar Gracian was a Jesuit priest and philosopher. The Art of Worldly Wisdom is perhaps his most famous work, and contains 300 aphorisms accompanied with commentary.
Balthasar Gracian was a Jesuit priest and philosopher. The Art of Worldly Wisdom is perhaps his most famous work, and contains 300 aphorisms accompani...
The Art of Worldly Wisdom is a book by Baltasar Gracian y Morales (a.k.a. Baltasar Gracian). It is a collection of maxims. Oraculo manual y arte de prudencia was written in 1647, and became popular throughout Europe. Each with a commentary, on various topics giving advice and guidance on how to live fully, advance socially, and be a better person."
The Art of Worldly Wisdom is a book by Baltasar Gracian y Morales (a.k.a. Baltasar Gracian). It is a collection of maxims. Oraculo manual y arte de pr...